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  • Q. Quit India Movement marked a new high in terms of popular participation including the Muslim minority in the national movement. Critically evaluate the above statement. [15 Marks,250 words]  

Q. Quit India Movement marked a new high in terms of popular participation including the Muslim minority in the national movement. Critically evaluate the above statement. [15 Marks,250 words]  

General Studies I – History- The Freedom Struggle — its various stages and important contributors/contributions from different parts of the country.  

  • Introduction: Bharat choro, August Revolution unparalleled heroism of the common man (an assertive introduction)
  • Body: Contributions of different sections of society 
  • Conclusion:  Contribution of Muslim community

‘Quit India,’ ‘Bharat Choro.’ This slogan launched the legendary struggle known as the ‘August Revolution.’ The common people of the country demonstrated unparalleled heroism and militancy in this historic struggle.

The youth were at the forefront of the struggle. Students from colleges and even schools were the most visible element.

Women, especially college and school girls, played a very important role. Aruna Asaf Ali and Sucheta Kriplani were two major women organisers of the underground. Usha Mehta was an important member of a small group that operated the Congress Radio.

The workers played a significant role and made great sacrifices, enduring long strikes and facing police repression in the streets.

Peasants of all strata were the heart of the movement especially in U.P, Bihar, Bengal, Maharashtra, Andhra, Gujarat and Kerala.

Both small and big zamindars participated. The most spectacular of these was the Raja of Darbhanga (a big zamindar), who refused to let his armed retainers be used by the Government. 

The government officials, especially those at the lower levels of the police and the administration, were generous in their assistance to the movement.

While it is true that Muslim mass participation in the Quit India Movement was not high, yet it is also true that even Muslim League supporters gave help by providing shelter to underground workers and did not act as informers. Also, there was a total absence of any communal clashes, a sure sign that though the movement may not have aroused much support from among the majority of the Muslim masses, it did not arouse their hostility either. 

(The model answer provided by us strictly follows the word limit, the above answer is compiled in 263 words.)
Question Source: India’s Struggle for Independence – Bipin Chandra

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