


KFD peaks, vaccine efforts stalled [Page 09]

Relevance: Prelims – Science

Focus area:

  • What is Kyasanur Forest Disease [KFD]?
  • What is the transmission, Symptoms, and Diagnosis of KFD?
  • Where is Kyasanur forest located?

Source link: The Hindu

Why are human–wildlife conflicts escalating in Kerala? [Page 11]

Relevance: Prelims and Mains- Environment

Focus area:

  • What are the reasons for the increase in human-wildlife conflict?
  • What are the proposed solutions and why are they not effective?
  • What is Eco Sensitive Zone [ESZ]?
  • How is human-animal conflict connected to the ESZ norms?

Source link: The Hindu

A wider viewfinder – Raisina dialogue and Milan exercises are part of a global exchange that is acquiring a new salience.  [Page 11]

Relevance: Prelims and Mains – International Organization

Focus area:

  • What is Raisina Dialogue?
  • What are Milan exercises?
  • What is the Indian Ocean Dialogue?

The puzzle of monetary policy [Page 11]

Relevance: Prelims – Economy

Focus area:

  • What is the Monetary Policy Committee?
  • What is contracting and expanding MSP?
  • Why MSP is constituted?
  • What is the impact of MSP on growth and inflation?

Source link: The Indian Express

La Nina-air quality links in new study [Page 15]

Relevance: Prelims – Environment

Focus area:

  • What is La-Nino?
  • What is Al-Nina?
  • What are the impacts of Al-Nino and La-Nina on the environment?
  • How does La Nina impact the air quality?

Source link: The Indian Express

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