


Ties that epitomise India’s Neighborhood First policy [Page 6]

Relevance – Mains – International relations – G.S – II

Focus area:

  • What is the current situation of India – Bhutan relations?
  • What is the Gelephu project?
  • What are the projects of India – Bhutan?

Source link: The Hindu

Guaranteed MSP is an ethical imperative [Page 7]

Relevance – Prelims and Mains — Economy – G.S – III

Focus area:

  • What is the minimum support price (MSP)?
  • What are the issues with minimum support price (MSP)?
  • What positive measures can be taken for minimum support price (MSP)?

Source link: The Hindu

House term and poll schedule [Page 12]

Relevance – Prelims and Mains – Polity – G.S -II

Focus area:

  • What was the original schedule for the election and counting in these two states? And what has changed now?
  • What exactly does the constitution say about the term of states Assemblies and Lok Sabha?
  • What are the things that the Election Commission of India (ECI) looks at while fixing the election schedule?
  • Has something similar to this situation occurred earlier too?

Source link: The Indian Express

Does retweeting allegedly defamatory content amount to defamation? [Page 12]

Relevance – Prelims and Mains – Polity – G.S – II

Focus area:

  • What does defamation mean?
  • Is there any law concerning defamation in India?
  • What does section 499 of the Indian Penal Code [IPC] say about defamation?
  • Does retweeting allegedly defamatory content amount to defamation?

Source link: The Indian Express

Delhi tops the list – world’s most polluted capital city in 2023 [Page 5]

Relevance – Prelims and Mains — Environment pollution G.S – III

Focus area:

  • What is the Air Quality Index (AQI)?
  • Who publishes AQI?
  • What Is PM 2.5 and PM 10?

Source link: The Indian Express

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