


Keep it wholesome – National cervical control scheme must be made accessible to all [Page 10]

Relevance: Prelims and Mains – Government Schemes, Science and Technology

Focus area:

  • What is Cervical cancer?
  • What is human papillomavirus [HPV]?
  • What is visual inspection with acetic acid [VIA/VILI] test?
  • What is the National Cervical Cancer Control Scheme?

Source link: The Hindu

Having panchayats as self-governing institutions [Page 10]

Relevance: Prelims – Polity

Focus area:

  • What are 73rd and 74th Constitutional amendment acts?
  • What constitutes Gram Sabha, and what is their role?
  • What are all taxes that come under Panchayat?

Source link: The Hindu

Judicial clarity on free speech [Page 11]

Relevance: Prelims – Polity

Focus area:

  • What is the Right to Speech and expression?
  • What are the reasonable restrictions under the Right to Speech and expression?

Source link: The Hindu

Study finds rise in blood clots, heart inflammation after COVID vaccination [Page 16]

Relevance: Prelims – Science and Technology

Focus area:

  • What is Guilain-Barre syndrome?
  • What is Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis [CVST]?

Source link: The Hindu

Greening growth -Weakening processes of environmental clearance for projects hurt both environment and development [Page 12]

Relevance: Prelims – Environment

Focus area:

  • What is Environment Impact assessment rules?
  • What is the provision of Environment Clearance [EC] under the Environment Impact Assessment [EIA] rules – notified in 2006 under Environment [Protection] Act?
  • What is the National Green Tribunal?

Source link: The Indian Express

Why are we falling ill so often? [Page 13]

Relevance: Prelims – Science and Technology

Focus area:

  • What is influenza?
  • What are the different type of influenzas?
  • What is the “Watch” category of WHO’s AWaRe classification?

Source link: The Indian Express

‘Small scale fishing should be exempted from WTO talks’ [Page 15]

Relevance:  Prelims – Economy

Focus area:

  • What is the Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies was signed in 2022?
  • What is Investment Facilitation for Development [IFD]?
  • What is the status of Fisheries section of India?

Source link: The Indian Express

Art 142, why SC quashed Chandigarh mayor election, why it matters [Page 17]

Relevance: Prelims – Polity

Focus area:

  • What is Article 142 under Constitution of India?
  • On what ground did the Supreme court strike down the election result?
  • What is the importance of Mayor’s election?

Source link: The Indian Express

Defining forests, saving them – The Supreme court has said that ‘forests’ should be defined in accordance with a judgment it passed in 1996. The assertion questions the government’s argument for amending the Forest Conservation Act [Page 17]

Relevance: Prelims – Environment

Focus area:

  • What is Forest [Conservation] Act, 1980?
  • Why was the FCA amended in 2023?
  • How exactly did the Supreme Court define forest for the purpose of the Act?
  • What are the challenges on the 2023 amendments to the law, and on what grounds?

Source link: The Indian Express

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