

Headlines Of the Day

Indian Navy seizes hijacked Iranian vessel, rescues crew [Page 10]

Relevance: Prelims and Mains – Security – G.S-III

Focus area:

  • What is the role of the Indian Navy in the Indian Ocean region?
  • How is the Indian Ocean region important for India?
  • How did pirates affect the trade route?

Source link: The Hindu

Power threat to the bustard [Page 09]

Relevance: Prelims and Mains – Environment – G.S-III

Focus area:

  • What are the characteristics of the Great Indian Bustard?
  • What is its International Union for Conservation of Union [IUCN] status?
  • Which state has The Great India Bustard as its state bird?
  • How do power lines kill bustard?
  • What are the other threats faced by the Great Indian Bustard?

Source link: The Indian Express

Taking on TB [Page 10]

Relevance: Prelims – Science and Technology

Focus area:

  • What is Tuberculosis?
  • What are its symptoms, causes and treatments?
  • What is the status of Tuberculosis in India?
  • Measure taken by India to eliminate Tuberculosis in India?
  • When was India’s target to eliminate Tuberculosis?

Source link: The Indian Express

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