
Q. The real goal of education is to prepare children for life. Discuss? 15 Marks (252 words)

Recent criticism of the Supreme Court on Coaching Centers of India as “Death Chambers” on the death of three UPSC aspirants.

General Studies IV – Ethics and Integrity – Role of Family, Society and educational institutions in inculcating values

  • Introduction: What is real education?
  • Body: Quantification of merit, intelligence and success, the growing role of tutorial homes and coaching centres, the commodification of education & purpose of education. 
  • Conclusion:  Role of students and parents for a meaningful and life-affirming education.

Education is about the joy of learning and understanding the world through the creative interplay of brain and heart, science and poetry, theory and practice, or technology and philosophy.

The prevalent practice of instrumental education and the resultant quantification of “merit”, “intelligence” and “success” through the never-ending and hugely problematic standardised tests are causing acute aggression and psychic nervousness among the youth and coaching centres further strengthen this destructive urge.

Even the children of primary schools have to be sent to tutorial homes and coaching centres to learn elementary mathematics and English grammar. This sort of pathetic dependence on coaching centres indicates the fall of schools and universities as sites of rigorous learning or creative and critical thinking.

A student is not a resource to be shaped and modulated for the neoliberal techno-economic empire; nor is she/he a commodity with a price tag. Studentship is about learning and unlearning; it is about asking critical questions and striving for a new world filled with love and compassion. The purpose of education is to prepare our children for life or to equip them with the kind of sensitivity and intelligence they need to prioritise love over hatred, peace over war, or for that matter, cooperation over hyper-competitiveness. A world tormented by xenophobic nationalism, climate emergencies and market fundamentalism needs the healing touch of libertarian education.

It is important for students and parents to sharpen their critical thinking, expand their mental/political horizons, and raise their voices against the organised assault on meaningful and life-affirming education. 

(The model answer provided by us strictly follows the word limit, the above answer is compiled in 252 words.)

Question Source: The Indian Express, 8th August,2024

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