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Economy Module

Economy Max IAS

What UPSC Expects?

UPSC Expects The Following Aspects:
  1. Micro and Macro understanding of Economy.
  2. Comprehensive understanding of the topics with special focus on basics of economy.
  3. Ability to interlink the topics.
  4. Understanding the topics logically.
  5. People centric and development oriented thought process.
  6. Ability to identify minute aspects that can make a difference.
  7. Ability to arrange ideas in a proper sequence precisely, concisely and effectively.
Economy Module at MAX IAS:
  • Classes by – Kranti Sir (Director: Max IAS)
  • Coverage of Micro and Macro Economics
  • NCERT to ADVANCED Economy Text Books
  • Curated content from websites of RBI, SEBI, Ministry of Finance and All India Financial Institutions
  • Developments in Global Economy; World Bank, IMF, WTO and other international financial institutions
  • Budget and Economic Survey
  • Practice MCQs and Answer Writing
Register for Economy Module (Offline)
Register for Economy Module (Online)