Consider the following statements:
1. Right to the City is an agreed human right and the UN-Habitat monitors the commitments made by each country in this regard.
2. Right to the City’ gives every occupant of the city the right to reclaim public spaces and public participation in the city.
3. ‘Right to the City’ means that the State cannot deny any public service or facility to the unauthorized colonies in the city.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 3 only
(c) 1 and 2
(d) 2 and 3
1. Ans: d
The right to the city is a new paradigm that provides an alternative framework to re- think cities and human settlements on the basis of the principles of social justice, equity, democracy and sustainability.
It is the right of all inhabitants (present and future; permanent and temporary) to use, occupy, produce, govern and enjoy just, inclusive, safe and sustainable cities, villages and settlements defined as common goods.
Right to the city is not an agreed human right.
Hence, statement 1 is incorrect.
It envisions the effective fulfillment of all internationally agreed Human Rights and Sustainable Development Goals, while dealing specifically with a dimension of urban problems that classic human rights’ standards do not tackle: namely, spatial exclusion, its causes and consequences. At the same time, it provides a territorial approach that can enhance policy pertinence and coherence.
In this regard, it claims for (i) the social function of the city; (ii) quality public spaces; (iii) sustainable and inclusive rural-urban linkages; (iv) inclusive economies; (v)inclusive citizenship; (vi) enhanced political participation; (vii) non-discrimination; (viii) gender equality; and (ix) cultural diversity.
Hence, statements 2 and 3 are correct.
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