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Constitutional government means:

Constitutional government means:

a. a representative government of a nation with federal structure

b. a government whose Head enjoys nominal powers

c. a government whose Head enjoys real powers

d. a government limited by the terms of the constitution

Answer- d


The concept of constitutionalism is that of a polity governed by or under a constitution that ordains essentially limited government and the rule of law as opposed to arbitrary, authoritarian or totalitarian rule. A constitutional government, therefore, should necessarily be democratic government.

Also, constitutionalism is a natural concomitant of a written constitution is bound to define and delimit the power and function of various organs of the state and a government under a written constitution can only be limited government. 

But, it is certainly conceivable that some countries (there have been many examples) may have written constitutions which are not really democratic. It can be said that they have constitution but not constitutionalism. Also, there are instances where there is no written constitution but constitutionalism prevails.

Hence, option d is correct. 

Read: Previous Year UPSC Polity Questions (PYQs) With Explanation 2021

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