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  • Which one of the following in Indian polity is an essential feature that indicates that it is federal in character?

Which one of the following in Indian polity is an essential feature that indicates that it is federal in character?

a.  The independence of judiciary is safeguarded.  

b. The Union Legislature has elected representatives from constituent units.

c. The Union Cabinet can have elected representatives from regional parties.

d. The Fundamental Rights are enforceable by Courts of Law.

Answer- a


A political system is  considered federal based on the presence of the following five criteria:

  1. Dual or two sets of government- one at the Centre, national or federal and the other at state or provincial levels.
  2. Written Constitution- list of distribution of powers between federation and state, the residuary powers generally rest with The federal government.
  3. Supremacy of the Constitution.
  4. Rigidity of the Constitution—The Constitution can be amended by a special majority, followed by ratification by at least half of the states, barring ‘the basic structure’ of the Constitution.
  5. The authority of the courts as regards the interpretation of the constitutional provisions.

Hence, option a is correct. 

Previous Year UPSC Polity Questions (PYQs) With Explanation 2021

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